Recruiter Insights

XING - 2018


Active- and passive-sourcing recruiters and decision-makers use XING E-Recruiting products daily to hire the best talent for their companies. Measuring individual or team performance can be the key to finding the best workflow.

Users were not able to track their performance or define their KPIs. They needed to answer questions like:

  • What is the response rate to my messages?

  • How many candidates do I have on each sourcing channel? Where should I invest more time?

  • Passive or active sourcing?

  • What is the return of investment (ROI) of the products I’m paying for?


We needed to find a solution for different use cases and users across many products. Not all of our users have access to all the applications in our suite. We worked to offer them an attractive solution that makes them improve their performance by comparing themselves with similar recruiters.

The beginning of the journey

We started by identifying and grouping all the data that was generated by the usage of our suite of products. We listened to our users, then started with a basic wishlist of KPIs they would like to have to measure their success. In addition, a questionnaire in our most used tool during the first research phase helped us to create the first sketches.

Creating new benchmarks

With Recruiter Insights, our users can now check their performance by selecting two different time periods for a certain KPI and compare themselves with their colleagues. In addition, decision-makers can get an overview of their teams’ performance. We created our sweet cherry benchmark known as “Top Recruiter”, which enables recruiters to compare their performance with top performers from the same industry and company size. This shows our users if there is room for improvement within a particular recruitment channel.


Sketch / User Permissions Directory


XING / Candidate Recommendations