Candidate Recommendations

XING - 2019


One of the main issues our active recruiters had while using our product was to identify good candidate recommendations for their open positions. When active recruiters are looking for candidates to fit one of their positions, they create Projects. They do active sourcing, add candidates to their Projects, and contact them. In these Projects, we always offered recruiters a list of candidates to start looking at, but there was a lack of transparency. There was no explanation of how good those recommendations are.

Understanding the system

Although we already showed candidate recommendations, we weren’t telling the user how good those recommendations are — or why they were seeing a certain list of people. My first task was to meet with the data science team to learn more about the recommendations engine. I wanted to know how they work and whether this project was also an opportunity to improve their input. After learning that the data science team was already categorizing the quality of recommendations into three clusters based on the project details, I thought we could probably add a visual indicator that shows the user the quality of a candidate recommendation.

Old XING Talent Manager candidate recommendation cards.

Recommendation icon exploration

Giving more value

We took into consideration fields such as location, skills, languages, etc. After conducting research with some of our users, we found out that not all of them look for the same candidate strengths to decide which candidate profiles should be examined or contacted. We therefore also decided to include a few candidate highlights that match with their Project details.


XING / Recruiter Insights


XING / Talent Radar